I don’t relate to poetry where I need a dictionary. These beautiful, little, even sentences that just struck me, and were so beautiful and romantic. It was very sound-bitey and short, little fragments. It’s very much my idea of poetry, the poetry I started reading when I was 16 on Tumblr. I’m not writing this heavy prose, beautifully rhymed, metered masterpiece. It feels fraudulent in a way, because I’m not one of the greats. I don’t even like to consider myself a poet. What style of poetry do you generally gravitate toward reading? And writing? I found this account called Poets and Writers, it’s just poems from writers around the world.

I send them to my friends and we pass them around to each other. I really like to find Instagram accounts that post poetry too. And Michael Faudet, who I believe is her husband in real life. It’s weird, I haven’t really been reading too much poetry so much as writing it, but I always love Lang Leav. Who are some of your favorite poetry authors right now? Whereas, in a poem, I can create my own narrative and storyline.

When I’m writing in my journal, I’m writing how I feel and I’m not changing parts of the story. I’m a laptop writer when it comes to my poetry, but I write in a journal when it comes to my diary. In the last couple of years, I’ve had my first experiences with losing a close family member or a friend. For someone with anxiety, especially social anxiety, that was scary for me, to navigate walking into fame. I felt that I was sticking out, that I wasn’t fitting in anymore.

the beginning of my step into the spotlight, and how much anxiety it gave me-feeling like I was going against the grain, in a way. I’d like to think of it as experiencing your first love and also your first heartbreak. There’s a lot of heartache, but there’s also a lot of really beautiful love poems in there. What are some of the themes that your poems touch upon? Even from a young age, writing things out gave me a much clearer point of view, so that kind of into poetry. I really liked listing things out if I felt depressed or sad I would write a list of all things that were bothering me, so I could analyze them. When I was younger, I was the type of person who loved making lists. I find myself having a lot of the same repetitive thoughts cycling in my head, and writing things down has always been a way for me to exercise those thoughts. Below, Reinhart talks poetry, healing, and what brings her hope.