Starring MICHELLE COLLINS, ALICE CONNOR AND HOLLY GRAINGER :D (C) Channel 4 Learning, 2003. Not content to stand still, she's widening and deepening the scope of her work while maintaining its central hold on her readers. TV adaptation of Jacqueline Wilsons novel. Wilson is doing something important and rare. She always wanted to be a writer and as a teenager, started working as a journalist for Jackie. Undoubtedly her best yet - single mum, feisty daughter, jaunty style - but there is a darker thread running through it Sunday Telegraph Jacqueline Wilson was born in Bath, England on December 17, 1945. disturbingly perceptive and provocative Guardian Cover of The Illustrated Mum - Jacqueline Wilson - 9780440867814 Paperback.

She loves to draw and draw and draw, filling page after page. Dolphin adores Marigold, her beautiful, vibrant mother. Like her mother, Marigold, Dolphin likes illustrations. More than lives up the expectations of the many readers eagerly waiting for her new book. The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson. He has written and illustrated many books for children, and also enjoys great success illustrating books for Jacqueline Wilson and Jeremy Strong. A powerfully portrayed, sometimes shocking but ultimately uplifting story, this is a book not to be missed The Booksellerĭarker, shocking in its exposure of the vulnerability of streetwise kids who have to seem tough, luridly well-written yet curiously as sentimental as Dickens Financial Times A book that children will respond to and be empowered by.