“Two more down, Captain,” Mandsy, my temporary first mate, says from where she peeks through the trapdoor.

The ship rocks from the blasts of cannons. Whether they tire and drown or get claimed by the sea life. They deserve whatever fate comes to them. Two more jumped overboard as soon as they saw the black flag of the Night Farer on the horizon.ĭeserters. Such precautions are necessary when one’s being invaded by pirates. And the smell! You’d think men did nothing but roll around in dead fish guts while smearing their own excrement on their sleeves.

The clothing is awkward as it hangs loose in all the wrong places. My sword is strapped tightly to the left side of my waist, a pistol undrawn on my right. My hair is bound on the top of my head, secured in a bun underneath a small sailor’s hat. The cotton shirt is too loose, the breeches too big, the boots too uncomfortable.